013 243 0050

Middelburg Office

41 OR Thambo Street

Middelburg, 1050, South Africa

Mon - Fri: 7:30 - 16:30

Available Weekends and Public Holidays on Request Only


.redText { color:fc0006; } .blackText { color:black; } .whiteText { color:#ffffff; } Grass Bales

We grow and supply high-quality Alfalfa grass bales mainly to the private, agricultural & wildlife sectors. Our preferred baling method is square bales due to their easy handling and stacking qualities. The stockpile is always protected from the elements to ensure you get the best quality bales for your animals.

Our Grass Bales are used as:

Grass Bales

We grow and supply high-quality Alfalfa grass bales mainly to the private, agricultural & wildlife sectors. Our preferred baling method is square bales due to their easy handling and stacking qualities. The stockpile is always protected from the elements to ensure you get the best quality bales for your animals.

Our Grass Bales are used as:


Benefits of Using Us


Easy to Handle

Not as heavy as the conventional round bales

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We pride ourselves in always having stock available

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Dry Storage

Protected storage ensures the bales are in good condition

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Top Quality

We use only the best quality grass in our bales

Frequently Asked Questions

The Bulkrite Farm is located on a farm just outside of Middelburg on the R104 (Old Belfast Road).

Driving Directions:

  • Turn Right/Left from the N4 onto the N11 off-ramp towards Middelburg
  • Now drive straight for approximately 6.9km and at the t-junction turn right onto the R104 (Old Belfast Road)
  • After turning right onto the R104, drive straight again for approximately 2.5km and turn right onto the gravel road (you will see Bulkrite signage)
  • Now go straight for 500m (The Bulkrite Gate will be on your left-hand side)
  • Once you arrive at the gate, ask security to direct you to reception.

Click Here for Directions on Google Maps